vegetables and fruit from imperfect foods

Is an Imperfect Foods’ Subscription Worth It?

If you’ve been following me for some time now, you know I love feeding my family healthy, whole foods, but I also love a great deal. In the past, I’ve used apps like Checkout 51 and Ibotta, as well as coupons, to help me save money on produce and organic options. However, as the years have gone by, there were less and less whole food and organic choices on their lists. I have slowly increased the amount of organic produce I buy, but we still are not buying exclusively organic, simply because it’s not in our budget to do so just yet. However, I have found something that has allowed me to greatly increase the amount of organic foods I can fit in my budget lately – Imperfect Foods’ Subscription Boxes.

I’m really excited to share with you about this company for many reasons. Like I said before, I love that I can get more organic produce while still sticking to my budget. How are they able to offer this deal? Simply because the product is “imperfect.” Once or twice, one of our apples had a small bruise (which can easily be cut off) – but sometimes they all look perfect to me. Sometimes things come in a little off color (light green, almost yellow celery instead of bright green). Sometimes it’s simply that someone had an excess of inventory and it will go bad if it’s not sold asap – which leads to a discounted price. Sometimes it’s a discount because the packaging is being changed. All of these reasons lead to lower prices for my family while we still enjoy fresh, healthy produce and products. Oh, and the best part? It ships right to your door.

So one of the things that usually keeps me from agreeing to subscribe to something like this is that I do not get to choose what comes to me. What if they send me bags of beans one week? Not a single person in our family likes beans, so that would not be helpful to our grocery budget that week (although I’m sure the local food pantry would be happy to receive them because that’s where they would go). What if they send tons of apples when I still have lots leftover from the week before? Etc. Etc. This is yet another reason why I LOVE this subscription. You get to choose what’s in your delivery each week. Oh, and you can skip weeks too!! I love that it’s so flexible and so convenient.

If you’re ready to try this subscription box out for yourself, get $10 -or more- off your first order when you use my link.

Here are pictures of my orders each week, so you can see how beautiful the produce actually is. Want to see more? Check out my Imperfect Foods highlight on Instagram.

Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week Ten

Have you tried out this subscription service yet? What other subscription boxes do you love? Let me know in the comments.

pic of produce

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5 thoughts on “Is an Imperfect Foods’ Subscription Worth It?”

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