Swap to Natural Products – Healthy Dental Care Products

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Last month, I shared the second swap I made when ridding my home of harmful products – switching out the harmful, toxic cleaners that have to be locked up in the cabinet, to three of my favorite natural cleaners (two which you probably already have!). If you’re following along with me, this month we will change out our dental care products. I even have an alternative for your kids too!

Do you know why the instructions on the back of the toothpaste tube tell you to only use a small amount, and to make sure not to swallow it? Simply put – because it includes ingredients that are not great for you. However, what most of us don’t think about is that our bodies absorb chemicals that are in our mouth (and on our skin), so you’re still taking in some of those not-so-great ingredients from the toothpaste into your system. Sure, it’s a small amount, but with all the toxins in our modern life, I do everything I can to keep any little bit out of my body (and especially when it comes to my children). Also, while I won’t go into detail here because this is usually a divisive topic, we personally avoid fluoride when possible, and I highly suggest you look up the side effects of fluoride ingestion (because we all know our little ones think the toothpaste tastes yummy.) So what do we replace our usual toothpaste and mouthwash with? Here’s what our family has used for the past 6 years:

KidScents Toothpaste

When we began switching over our toothpaste, I was a little nervous about whether my kids would like the KidScents Toothpaste flavor. While it does list a citrus-mint flavor on the website description, my kids say that it tastes a little like oranges. One of my children doesn’t like mint flavor, so he loves this toothpaste, thankfully! I love that it does not include fluoride, and that even without it, my kids have had great dental visits every six months. It does have a little sweetness to it, from xylitol and stevia (xylitol toothpaste is one of the kinds actually recommended by my dentist). Two of my three children use this toothpaste. My third child has switched to the one I use….Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste.

Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste

When I first made the switch to more natural toothpastes, I tried a few different kinds until I found that I liked this one. Some natural toothpastes have a higher amount of baking soda, which gives the toothpaste an odd texture that I didn’t like. The Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste was the right consistency and flavor for me (a mix of spicy/cinnamon and minty). If you’ve never used a natural toothpaste before, be prepared that it won’t bubble and foam as much as a normal toothpaste, but don’t worry – it’s still working. It simply doesn’t include the ingredient that is added to aid in that foaming sensation (which is not needed). If you’re really missing that sensation though, or you need a toothpaste that whitens your teeth without the harsh chemicals, try the Thieves Whitening Toothpaste.

Thieves Whitening Toothpaste

This is the natural toothpaste that my husband prefers. I find that it’s the closest to “normal” toothpaste, so if you’re worried about switching, try this one first. It foams up more that the rest, whitens teeth beautifully, and gives you that “just brushed” tingle when you’re done.

Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash

I follow up my brushing with the Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash. This product is alcohol- and fluoride-free, and I especially like that it includes colloidal silver, which has so many benefits. I love the fresh feeling this mouthwash gives me without the burn of typical mouthwashes I’ve used in the past. Want to take your dental health to the next level? Keep reading to find out another natural product that I add to my dental routine.

Oil Pulling

While I don’t use this as dental care alone (brushing, flossing, and mouthwash are important), when paired with the products above, I’ve seen an improvement in my dental health. So what exactly is oil pulling? Basically, it’s using natural, cold pressed oils like a mouthwash for an extended period of time. (*READ: Make sure not to dispose of the oil into any plumbing – sinks or toilets- as some oils can harden and cause blockage.)

I personally use organic, cold pressed coconut oil for oil pulling. Coconut oil has so many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. I started off swishing the oil for a few minutes each morning, and then increased the length of time gradually. Some people recommend oil pulling for up to twenty minutes each day, but the study I linked above only had the individuals swish for 2-3 minutes, and still saw results. Over time, I did change up my routine so that I was oil pulling with coconut oil on one day and then sunflower oil the next day, and then I’d continue the pattern. I found that the sunflower oil helped with whitening my teeth, but that is simply my experience (let me know if it works for you too). I feel like oil pulling is the perfect finish to a natural dental care routine.

Dental Floss

Obviously, as many of us are reminded by our dentists, daily flossing is important. I do not, however, have any suggestions for a more natural floss that I prefer. I simply look for “fluoride free” when I shop for my floss (and no other additions like flavor). If you have one you love, feel free to comment and let me know what kind it is.

Make a Change

So which natural dental products will you try this month? It’s totally okay to finish the current tubes of toothpaste or bottle of mouthwash you currently have. Or, if you’re ready to start now, feel free to toss them. You are the gatekeeper of your home and you decide what comes in and what needs to go. You can find my favorite natural dental care products here:

KidScents Toothpaste
Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste
Thieves Whitening Toothpaste
Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash

Organic, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Organic, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil

Check back next month for the next step towards living a life with all natural products.

Swap out candles and air fresheners for a diffuser and oils
Swap out harsh cleaners for all natural household cleaners

Want me to see your swap for a more natural product? Tag me in your stories on Instagram @Brandi.L.Brown . I love to see the baby steps you take!

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